The goal is to change an ugly archive url into a pretty url. For example here is a quarterly custom post type archive:
The links are in a format of:
And they would look better with something like:
To accomplish this, first the Add rewrite rules must be checked on the Archive-Pro-Matic settings page:

After the CPT Rewrite Rules has been checked and saved. It might be necessary to flush the rewrite rules by simply navigating to:
Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks – do nothing, and re-save the permalink settings.
Second a custom url rewrite function must be added to the child-theme’s function.php file. This function uses a new filter that has been added to manually overwrite the url that archive-pro-matic uses:
add_filter('apm_archive_link', 'pretty_my_archive_url');
function pretty_my_archive_url($url){
$url_args = explode('?', $url);
parse_str($url_args[1], $args);
if(!empty($args['year']) && !empty($args['q'])){
$url = $url_args[0].$args['year'].'/Q'.$args['q'].'/';
return $url;
Now, when we display a quarterly archive for a custom post type, the urls are prettier:
[archives type="quarterly" post_type="donkey" /]
And here is a test of just using the standard yearly archive for a custom post type:
[archives post_type="donkey" /]