Collapse-Pro-Matic Global Cookies

As of Collapse-Pro-Matic version 1.0.4 there is a new Global Cookie setting based on this thread by Grant Pax.


  1. Provide a unique name under Dashboard > Settings > Collapse-Pro-Matic > Global Cookie Name. For this example we will use monkeybucket
  2. provide ONE collapse element that will be used to set the global cookie value. This master trigger element must have the following attributes:
    • cookiename="your_global_cookie_name"
    • trigclass="setall"

    [expand title="Expand All" swaptitle="Collapse All" cookiename="monkeybucket" trigclass="setall"/]


Expand All
expand 1
this is the first expand item
expand 2
this is the second expand item
expand 3
this is the third expand item
expand 4
this is the forth expand item

Collapse-O-Matic > Line of Trigger Images

Step One

Create each expand element using the title element as the image tag. Assign it a trigclass=”noarrow” and give it an alt attribute that makes sense:

[expand title="<img src='' />" trigclass="noarrow" tag="div" alt="turtles one"]This is the content of the first image[/expand]

Step Two

Wrap each expand element in a div with a unique class. We used ‘birdwire‘ because it makes all the images nice and need in a row like… birds on a wire! Hmmm, maybe we should have used ducksrow. Anyway, each element will now look like so:

<div class="birdwire">[expand title="<img src='' />" trigclass="noarrow" tag="div" alt="turtles one"]This is the content of the first image[/expand]</div>

Final Step

Add the following to your theme’s style.css:

.birdwire {
display: inline;
float: left;
margin-right: 1.625em;
width: 160px;

And Blam-O! The images line up and float left like so:

This is the content of the first image
This is the content of the second image
This is the content of the third image

After you will want to add <div style="clear: both"> </div> to force new content to show up below, fresh in it’s own line.

Highlander Grouping

Now, say you want to add highlander grouping. The code now would look like:
<div class="birdwire">[expand title="<img src='' />" trigclass="noarrow" tag="div" alt="turtles one" rel="ninja-highlander"]This is the content of the first image[/expand]</div>

This is the content of the first image
This is the content of the second image
This is the content of the third image

Grid of Images

In the above examples, the targets are displayed directly below the related triggers. The following example shows how to place a line of image triggers that will display the targets below all images using the roll-your-own method:

The Triggers

<div class="birdwire"> <img id="nj1" src="" class="collapseomatic noarrow" rel="ninjtee-highlander"/> </div> <div class="birdwire"> <img id="nj2" src="" class="collapseomatic noarrow" rel="ninjtee-highlander"/> </div>

The Targets

<div style="clear: both;"> </div>
<div id="target-nj1" class="collapseomatic_content">Target content for first trigger</div>
<div id="target-nj2" class="collapseomatic_content">Target content for second trigger</div>
Target content for first trigger
Target content for second trigger