This is a test of the WP Featherlight pop-up modal with a print-o-matic trigger.
Archive-Pro-Matic Pretty URL Rewrite
The goal is to change an ugly archive url into a pretty url. For example here is a quarterly custom post type archive:
The links are in a format of:
And they would look better with something like:
To accomplish this, first the Add rewrite rules must be checked on the Archive-Pro-Matic settings page:

After the CPT Rewrite Rules has been checked and saved. It might be necessary to flush the rewrite rules by simply navigating to:
Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks – do nothing, and re-save the permalink settings.
Second a custom url rewrite function must be added to the child-theme’s function.php file. This function uses a new filter that has been added to manually overwrite the url that archive-pro-matic uses:
add_filter('apm_archive_link', 'pretty_my_archive_url');
function pretty_my_archive_url($url){
$url_args = explode('?', $url);
parse_str($url_args[1], $args);
if(!empty($args['year']) && !empty($args['q'])){
$url = $url_args[0].$args['year'].'/Q'.$args['q'].'/';
return $url;
Now, when we display a quarterly archive for a custom post type, the urls are prettier:
[archives type="quarterly" post_type="donkey" /]
And here is a test of just using the standard yearly archive for a custom post type:
[archives post_type="donkey" /]
Collapse-Pro-Matic Cookie Based Expand
This is a demo of how to use a cookie to auto-collapse a expand element that is expanded by default. The idea is to set up an expand element this is expanded by default, but if a user collapses it once, it will no longer load auto-expanded for that user until the cookie expires.
For example the following expand element should be auto-expanded until it is manually collapsed. After this, the element will remain collapsed when the page is revisited.
[expand title="test" expanded="once" cookiename="my_cookie"]hidden content[/expand]
Custom Print Templates for Print-Pro-Matic
Note: This post assumes a basic understanding of WordPress templates and that a child-theme is being used.
To create a custom print template we first need to define a query var to trigger the template.
Add the following to the child-theme’s function.php file:
function printpromatic_query_var( $vars ) {
$vars[] = 'print_view';
return $vars;
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'printpromatic_query_var' );
Now WordPress will look for something like /?print_view=true
at the end of any url.
Next step is to a) define a unique ID for the print trigger and b) tell print-pro-matic to use the current page with the print_view query variable tacked on the url. Do this by setting the url attribute using the %print_view% placeholder as its value:
[print-me id="some_id" url="%print_view%"/]
Finally we need to check for this print_view query var and either a) use a custom print-only template file or b) modify the current page template to switch to a print-only view.
Redirect to Print-Only Template
If a print-only template exists simply redirect to this template file by adding the following code to the child-theme’s function.php file:
function printpro_print_template($original_template) {
if ( get_query_var( 'print_view' ) ) {
$new_template = locate_template( array( 'print-template.php' ) );
return $new_template;
return $original_template;
add_filter( 'template_include', 'printpro_print_template' );
This could be expanded further to support multiple print-only templates based on a value passed to print_view:
[print-me id="monkey_id" url="%print_view=monkey%" title="print monkey"/]
[print-me id="donkey_id" url="%print_view=donkey%" title="print donkey"/]
This would require that our function be modified to use the correct print template based on the print_view query var:
function printpro_print_template($original_template) {
$print_view = get_query_var( 'print_view' );
if ( !empty( $print_view ) ) {
if($print_view == 'monkey'){
$new_template = locate_template( array( 'print-template-monkey.php' ) );
else if ( get_query_var( 'print_view' ) == 'donkey' ){
$new_template = locate_template( array( 'print-template-donkey.php' ) );
return $new_template;
return $original_template;
add_filter( 'template_include', 'printpro_print_template' );
Modify the Existing Template
This method involves modifying the current page template to change what it displays based on the presence of the print_view query var.
In the page template being used, we need to check if the query_var is present:
$print_view = get_query_var( 'print_view' );
Now we need to simply wrap the existing template elements in an if statement:
if( empty($print_view) ){
//print only
Weekday Multi-Schedule Countdown
This countdown should launch Monday-Friday at 09:00 and 12:00 and certainly NOT on the weekend.
Collapse-O-Matic CSS Tricks .colomat-close
When an expand element is expanded it has the .colomat-close class assigned. This class is removed when the expand element is collapsed. So, if you want to adjust how an active/expanded trigger is displayed, simply define your custom css as follows:
/*inactive/collapsed */
.collapseomatic {
/*active/expanded */
.collapseomatic.colomat-close {
Simple Demo
Using the trigclass attribute we can further assign the design of the triggers for only specific expand elements.
.collapseomatic.my_special_class {
color: green;
.collapseomatic.my_special_class.colomat-close {
color: red;
border: 2px dotted red;
[expand title="Trigger Text" trigclass="my_special_class"]Hidden Content[/expand]
T(-) Countdown w/ T(-) Countdown Events
T(-) Countdown
[tminus t="+40 seconds" style="naboo" event_id="1932" omitweeks="true" launchtarget="countdown"]Launch![/tminus]
Hello world
T(-) Countdown Control
[tminus cid="1031" style="naboo" event_id="1932"]
[tminus cid="1031" style="naboo" event_id="1932"]
Collapse-O-Matic Content Filtering
Without Filter Attribute (default off)
Plain Text
[expand title="plain text"]This is just some blibber blabber text[/expand]
Text with Shortcode
[expand title="text with shortcode"]This is text with a shortcode [tminus_launch_date cid="1921" format="Y-m-d"][/expand]
With Filter Attribute False
Plain Text
[expand title="plain text" filter="false"]This is just some blibber blabber text[/expand]
Text with Shortcode
[expand title="text with shortcode" filter="false"]This is text with a shortcode [tminus_launch_date cid="1921" format="Y-m-d"][/expand]
With Filter Attribute True
Plain Text
[expand title="plain text" filter="true"]This is just some blibber blabber text[/expand]
This is just some blibber blabber text
Text with Shortcode
[expand title="text with shortcode" filter="true"]This is text with a shortcode [tminus_launch_date cid="1921" format="Y-m-d"][/expand]
This is text with a shortcode [tminus_launch_date cid=”1921″ format=”Y-m-d”]
T(-) Countdown Control New Shortcode: tminus_launch_date
Introducing a new shortcode for T(-) Countdown Control that will print out the launch date:
Countdown launches at: [[tminus_launch_date cid="1921" format="Y-m-d"]]
Countdown launches at: [tminus_launch_date cid=”1921″ format=”Y-m-d”]
Blast From the Past – Archive-O
select your year…