Archive Pro Matic Exclude Single Cat

Test to see if a single category can be excluded from an archive list.

[archives type="monthly" cat_id="-51"/]

Archive-Pro-Matic Monthly Sub Post-By-Post

This is a test of a monthly archive that displays a sub-list of post-by-post archives.

[archives type="postbypost" sub_options="true" limit="10"/]


Here are examples of limiting by category. First, using cat_id

[archives type="postbypost" sub_options="true" cat_id="55" limit="10"/]


Next, Using taxonomy and term. This pair can be used for any taxonomy, including category:

[archives type="postbypost" sub_options="true" taxonomy="category" term="archive-pro-matic" limit="10"/]

Archive-Pro-Matic Display Multiple Categories

As of version 1.1.2, multiple categories can be selected using the cat_id attribute. Simply provide a comma separated string of the category ID’s to include. Use a negative ID to omit multiple categories.

For example to include a yearly archive of posts with both the categories of ‘Archive-Pro-Matic’ (ID 55) and ‘collapse-pro-matic’ (ID 43) the shortcode would be:

[archives type="yearly" cat_id="55,43"/]
[archives type="monthly" cat_id="55,43" limit="10" /]

Archive Pro Matic Highlight Class

Introducing a new attribute for Archive-Pro-Matic: highlight
Highlight accepts the following values:

  • current-year
  • active-year

Assigning ‘current-year’ as the value of the highlight attribute will add a current-year class to the current year in the archive list. Assigning ‘active-year’ would only be assigned to the archive list when placed on an archive page.


We have added a bit of css to highlight each of the classes:

 .current-year {
    border-left: 2px solid red;

.active-year {
     border-left: 2px solid blue;


Assigning ‘current-year’ as the value of the highlight attribute will add a current-year class to the current year in the list:

[archives type="yearly" cat_id="4" limit="5" highlight="current-year"/]


Assigning ‘active-year’ would only be used on the archive page itself. To see this in action, first visit the an archive page, say 2014 and on that page place an archive list using the sidebar widget or following shortcode.

[archives type="yearly" cat_id="4" limit="5" highlight="active-year"/]

Format: Option

Of course this also needs to work with drop downs.

[archives type="yearly" format="option" highlight="active-year"/]

Nested Collapse Elements with Highlander Grouping

Here is a typical nested collapse group with highlander grouping

[expand title="state1" id="state1" togglegroup="state-highlander"]
   [expandsub1 title="city1" id="city1" togglegroup="city-highlander"]bar1 bar2[/expandsub1]  
   [expandsub1 title="city2" id="city2" togglegroup="city-highlander"]bar3 bar4[/expandsub1]

[expand title="state2" id="state2" togglegroup="state-highlander"]
   [expandsub1 title="city3" id="city3" togglegroup="city-highlander"]bar5 bar6[/expandsub1]  
   [expandsub1 title="city4" id="city4" togglegroup="city-highlander"]bar7 bar8[/expandsub1]

Notice how the main level and nested sub-elements have their own highlander grouping defined. This makes it so the main level items do not affect the nested children expand/collapse states.
This is how it works:

bar1 bar2
bar3 bar4
bar5 bar6
bar7 bar8

Now to do the exact same thing using the roll-your-own method:

<div class="collapseomatic" id="state1"  title="state1" data-togglegroup="state-highlander">state1</div>
<div id="target-state1" class="collapseomatic_content">
   <div class="collapseomatic" id="city1" title="city1" data-togglegroup="city-highlander">city1</div>
   <div id="target-city1" class="collapseomatic_content">bar1 bar2</div>
   <div class="collapseomatic" id="city2" title="city2" data-togglegroup="city-highlander">city2</div>
   <div id="target-city2" class="collapseomatic_content ">bar3 bar4</div>

<div class="collapseomatic" id="state2" title="state2" data-togglegroup="state-highlander">state2</div>
<div id="target-state2" class="collapseomatic_content">
   <div class="collapseomatic" id="city3" title="city3" data-togglegroup="city-highlander">city3</div>
   <div id="target-city3" class="collapseomatic_content">bar5 bar6</div>
   <div class="collapseomatic " id="city4" title="city4" data-togglegroup="city-highlander">city4</div>
   <div id="target-city4" class="collapseomatic_content">bar7 bar8</div>