Simple example of using Collapse-Commander with sub-elements:
[expand cid="3279" /]
Since 1.3.3 we can use order and orderby attributes
[expand cid="3279" orderby="title" order="ASC" /]
A Pluginoven Test Site
Simple example of using Collapse-Commander with sub-elements:
[expand cid="3279" /]
Since 1.3.3 we can use order and orderby attributes
[expand cid="3279" orderby="title" order="ASC" /]
This is a test to see if print-pro-matic can print an external URL:
[print-me url=""/]
There will be an issue with cross domain origin, however a url on the same domain can be printed:
[print-me url=""/]
This is a test to see how print-o-matic and print-pro-matic handle targeting a non-existing element:
No element? no problem… do nothing.
Now what happens if we have one element that does not exist in a list of elements:
As of print-o-matic version 2.0.1 the ability to use class to target a print element in external print triggers has been added. Basically it works the same as using the data-print_target attribute but instead uses a unique classname in the format of printtarget-<target_id>.
Create a target element. The element below is a div with an id of ‘my_print_target’:
<div id="my_print_target">This is the print target wrapped in a div with an element of 'my_print_target' as explained above</div>
Add an external trigger using the new class-trigger method. We’ll use a simple button like so:
<button id="my_print_button" class="printomatic printtarget-#my_print_target">Print Trigger</button>
Like in the original example, we need to add the hidden print trigger using a print-me shortcode with the same id as our external trigger and a printstyle=”external” attribute:
[print-me id="my_print_button" printstyle="external"/]
This is a test of how collapse-o-matic and easy footnotes can work togher. We have modified the Easy Footnotes[note]Easy Footnotes on the WordPress Plugin Repo at:[/note] plugin to allow for filtering before and after the footnote content. The modified plugin is available at Github [note] [/note]
The filters used as follows:
add_filter( 'before_footnote', 'pre_footnote', 1);
function pre_footnote($footnote_content) {
$footnote_content .= 'content to place before the footnotes';
return $footnote_content;
add_filter( 'after_footnote', 'post_footnote', 1 );
function post_footnote($footnote_content) {
$footnote_content .= 'content to place after the footnoes';
return $footnote_content;
The above will be used as our ‘scroll target’ and was created using the following:
<h2 id="scroll2me">Scroll to here on close</h2>
The scrolltarget attribute allows any external element to be used as the location to scroll to for scroll-on-close triggers. The scrolltarget attribute accepts any jQuery selector by ID (#id_name), class (.class_name), or element tag (article).
For example:
would target a unique element that has an ID of my_id
[expand title="R2D2 Wiki" ID="r2d2wiki" scrolltarget="#scroll2me"]
<span class="collapseomatic colomat-close scroll-to-trigger" id="bot-r2d2wiki">click here to close & scroll to target</span>
George Lucas’s creation of R2-D2 was influenced by Akira Kurosawa’s 1958 feature film The Hidden Fortress (USA release 1962), particularly Tahei and Matakishi, the two comic relief characters that serve as sidekicks to General Makabe. Lucas also drew inspiration from the robots Huey, Dewey, and Louie from Douglas Trumbull’s 1972 film Silent Running.
The name is said to derive from when Lucas was making one of his earlier films, American Graffiti. Sound editor Walter Murch states that he is responsible for the utterance which sparked the name for the droid. Murch asked for Reel 2, Dialog Track 2, in the abbreviated form “R-2-D-2”. Lucas, who was in the room and had dozed off while working on the script for Star Wars, momentarily woke when he heard the request and, after asking for clarification, stated that it was a “great name” before falling immediately back to sleep.[1]
R2-D2 stands for Second Generation Robotic Droid Series-2, according to a Star Wars encyclopedia published after the release of the film Star Wars: A New Hope.
In Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, both R2-D2 and C-3PO are introduced on board the Tantive IV, along with Princess Leia of Alderaan, when they are fired upon by an Imperial Star Destroyer. Leia jams inside an opening in R2-D2 an information disc containing the plans for the Death Star battle station, along with encoding a distress message on the droid’s holographic projector. The droids then escape in a pod that crashes on Tatooine near Kenobi’s desert abode.
R2-D2 and C-3PO are then abducted by Jawas and bought by Owen Lars, step-uncle of Luke Skywalker. While Luke cleans the sand out of R2-D2’s gears, he discovers a fragment of Leia’s message, and removes the droid’s restraining bolt to see more; once free of the bolt, R2 claims to have no knowledge of the message. That night, R2 leaves the farm to seek out Obi-Wan Kenobi. Soon, by way of fate, Luke is forced to leave Tatooine with Obi-Wan, Han Solo, and Chewbacca, and they attempt to deliver R2-D2 to the Rebel Alliance. Along the way, they are pulled in by the Death Star’s tractor beam, but eventually rescue Princess Leia and escape. R2-D2 delivers the plans to the Rebel Alliance, and becomes Luke’s astromech droid during the attack on the station. R2 is severely damaged during the battle, but is restored before the ceremony at the end of the film.
In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, R2-D2 accompanies Luke to Dagobah, and later to Cloud City, where he helps to rescue and repair a heavily damaged C-3PO and to override city security computers. He also manages to fix the Millennium Falcon’s hyperdrive, resulting in a last-minute escape from Imperial forces.
In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, R2-D2 plays a critical role in the rescue of Han, Luke and Leia from Jabba the Hutt, and later joins the Rebel strike team on Endor. He is badly damaged during the fight between the Imperial troops and the Rebels, but is repaired in time for the celebration marking the second Death Star’s destruction.
R2-D2 is male, as far as by state of androids. In A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi states in gender specific, “Plug-in, he should be able to interpret the entire Imperial network.”
Source: Wikipedia
click here to close & scroll to trigger
This is a Dr. Frankenstein experiment with Contact Form 7’s Submit button and the Print-Pro-Matic Print external trigger. When the user clicks submit, the form should also force-launch the print dialogue. Years of working in UI tells us NOT do this, but people still have music playing on page load, so what do we know.
[[contact-form-7 id="1018" title="SubPrint"/]]
To cross-breed the Submit button with the print-pro-matic print trigger, just follow the following steps.
[submit id:subprint class:printme_trigger]
[print-me target="#wpcf7-f1018-p2316-o1i" external_trigger="subprint"/]
The above will work nicely if there is no validation to consider. However if we only want to print the form after it has passes validation we need another approach.
First: We will not actually have the print triggered via clicking the submit button, so we can remove the id and class in the submit tag in the form:
If the submit button does not trigger the print what will? If you notice in the Contact Form 7 edit page, there is an Additional Settings tab. Here we can use Contact 7 own on_sent_ok:
to trigger the print like so:
on_sent_ok: "print_trigger('my_print_trigger');"
Now, finally, we must provide an ID to our hidden print-me shortcode:
[print-me id="my_print_trigger" target="#wpcf7-f1018-p2316-o1" external_trigger="on_sent_ok"/]
deactivated due to spam abuse.
[[contact-form-7 id=”1018″ title=”SubPrint”/]]
Collapse-O-Matic is a WordPress plugin. But what if you wanted to use it on a static HTML page?
Well, that just might work.
<script src="//"></script>
You will need to download the latest version of Collapse-O-Matic and then find and upload just the collapse.js file. It’s located in the js sub-folder.
<script src=""></script>
Now that you have all the jQuery scripts installed, you can simply follow the standard roll-your-own method to create the expand elements.
Good luck!
[tminus cid="1451" omitweeks="true" omitdays="true" omithours="true" omitmins="true"]
[expand title="Trigger Text" expand_on="is_search"]Target Text[/expand]
This new conditional expand feature is based on a request by user thisimnot. We introduce a new attribute called expand_on
that accepts a comma separated list of WordPress Conditional Tags that will auto-expand the element if true.
For example. The following element should be displayed as collapsed when viewing the front (blog) page, but when viewing the single post or the search results page it will be shown as expanded.
[expand title="Trigger Text" expand_on="is_single, is_search"]Target Text[/expand]
To create a custom conditional that checks for a custom query_var, for example, is_hilite:
Step 1: Place the following in your child theme’s function.php file:
//Add query vars
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'my_query_vars' );
function my_query_vars( $qvars ) {
$qvars[] = 'hilite';
return $qvars;
//Add custom hilite conditional
function is_hilite(){
if(get_query_var( 'hilite')){
return true;
return false;
The shortcode:
[expand title="Trigger Text" expand_on="is_hilite"]Target Text[/expand]
Here, at the very bottom of this page is a little collapse element to test the internal WordPress Search.