Warning: getimagesize(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed in /var/www/vhosts/spacedonkey.de/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/print-pro-matic/print-pro-matic.php on line 261

Warning: getimagesize(): Failed to enable crypto in /var/www/vhosts/spacedonkey.de/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/print-pro-matic/print-pro-matic.php on line 261

Warning: getimagesize(https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/printer-24.png): Failed to open stream: operation failed in /var/www/vhosts/spacedonkey.de/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/print-pro-matic/print-pro-matic.php on line 261

Print-Pro-Matic: Add PDF to Print Page

The following is an example of how to add a pdf document to be printed along with a target using the new add_print_url attribute.

First, we need a simple target to print:

<div id="print_target">This is the simple print target for the page</div>

Now, we simply add our print-me shortcode and use the add_pdf_url attribute to include a pdf document to be printed:

[print-me target="#print_target" add_pdf_url="https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/RomeSweetRome1-8v22.pdf" pause_time="3000"/]

Direct PDF Print

As of version 1.2.6 we have introduced a new shortcode to print-pro-matic, just for printing PDFs.Note: the ability to print pdf files from javascript is currently not supported in FireFox. Therefore the PDF will open in a new tab and the user can print from there.

[[print-pdf pdf_url="https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/RomeSweetRome1-8v22.pdf"/]]

This will produce a simple button that will print the pdf:
[print-pdf pdf_url=”https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/RomeSweetRome1-8v22.pdf” /]

The optional attirbutes for the print-pdf shortcode are as follows:
The ID attribute will assign a custom ID to the button. If no ID is assigned a random id will be assigned.

The title attribute will assign the text of the print button. If no title is assigned, the button will have the tex of: ‘Print PDF’

The class attribute will assign the button a custom class.

The tag attribute will change the trigger element from the default button to, say a div. For example:

[[print-pdf pdf_url="url_to_pdf" tag="div"/]]

The img_url attribute is used to define the image URL to use as a trigger. Using a trigger image will override standard print trigger, replacing it with the chosen image.

[[print-pdf img_url="url_to_trigger_image"/]]

Use the width attribute along with the img_url to define the image width.

Use the height attribute along with the img_url to define the image height.

Use the alt attribute along with the img_url to define the image alt value.

Demo of Trigger Image:

[[print-pdf img_url="https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ninja_turtles.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="447" pdf_url="https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/RomeSweetRome1-8v22.pdf"]]
[print-pdf img_url=”https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ninja_turtles.jpg” alt=”” width=”600″ height=”447″ pdf_url=”https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/RomeSweetRome1-8v22.pdf”]

Full url to redirect the user to after either a) the print dialogue closes or b) the pdf is loaded into a new tab (depending on which browser is being used)

[[print-pdf pdf_url="url_to_pdf" redirect_url="http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page"/]]
[print-pdf pdf_url=”https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/RomeSweetRome1-8v22.pdf” redirect_url=”http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page” title=”Print & Redirect”/]

Putting it all Together

Here we will have a trigger image that redirects on print close:

[[print-pdf img_url="https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ninja_turtles.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="447" pdf_url="https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/RomeSweetRome1-8v22.pdf" redirect_url="http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page" title="Ninja Power"]]
[print-pdf img_url=”https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ninja_turtles.jpg” alt=”” width=”600″ height=”447″ pdf_url=”https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/RomeSweetRome1-8v22.pdf” redirect_url=”http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page” title=”Ninja Power”]

Collapse-Pro-Matic Advanced External Triggers

There are times when it would be nice to turn ANY element into an external trigger for a collapse element. So as of Collapse-Pro-Matic v 1.2.9f we have added:

  • new colomat_trigger class that turns anything into a trigger
  • new external_trigger shortcode element to enter the ids of the elements that should be used as an external trigger
  • new data-external-element attribute that can be used for roll-your-own collapse elements
  • new colomat_expand_only class that prevents the external trigger from collapsing the target, only expand
  • new colomat_collapse_only class that prevents the external trigger from expanding the target, only collapse

And this is how it works:

take any element, make sure it has a unique id and the colomat_trigger class assigned.

<h4 id="funkmaster" class="colomat_trigger">Bootsy</h4>


additional external link can be assigned, and external links that will only expand (not collapse) the target:

<h4 id="flash" class="colomat_trigger colomat_expand_only">Grandmaster Flash</h4>

Grandmaster Flash

Next, assign the ID of the external id (or multiple ids) using the external_trigger attribute:

[expand title="Who has the funk?" external_trigger="funkmaster flash"]You got the funk![/expand]
Who has the funk?
Glory be, baby, you got the funk!

Collapse-Pro-Matic Class Triggers

As of version 1.3.2 of Collapse-Pro-Matic an external trigger can also be assigned to any element using only class names. For example, using a WordPress menu element, where only the classes can be assigned. The following classes must be added to the trigger:

  • collapseomatic
  • noarrow
  • colomatclasstrigger
  • colomatid-[the_target_id]

[expand title="This is the Master Trigger" id="multi-trigger"]

This is the Master Trigger
This is some text that when you click on the trigger you are able to read with your eyes. Well, your eyes are able to see the text, but I guess it’s actually your brain that reads the words and makes sense of them. But jokes on you! There is no sense to be made from these words because they are just pure jibber-jabber.


The following is a link that has an href attribute of “#multi-trigger” and a class of “expandanchor”. Clicking this will scroll-to and expand-only the element.

<a class="expandanchor" href="#multi-trigger">Anchor Link to Multi-Trigger%lt;/a>

Anchor Link to Multi-Trigger


Buttons are not links, however if it contains the same href and class values as the link above it will expand-only the target, just not scroll to it.

<button class="expandanchor" href="#multi-trigger">Button to Multi-Trigger</button>

Buttons Wrapped in a Link

This is basically a button that is wrapped in a link described above. Notice that the text link must be clicked, not the button.

<a class="expandanchor" href="#multi-trigger"><button>Anchor Button linked to Multi-Trigger</button></a>

Link Wrapped in a Button

This is a link that is wrapped in a button as described above:

<button><a class="expandanchor" href="#multi-trigger">Button Anchor linked to Multi-Trigger</a></button>

Special Applications: Buttons

Here are a few ordinary buttons, each assigned with a) a unique id, and b) colomat_trigger colomat_expand_only and snap-shut classes like so:

<button id="button_one" class='colomat_trigger colomat_expand_only snap-shut'>Button One</button>

Each button needs to correspond to a target. Normally to create the target it would be part of the trigger but we add the narrow and hidden classes using the trigclass attribute and remove the target padding using the targclass attribute like so:

[expand title="Button 1" external_trigger="button_one" rel="buttons-highlander" trigclass="noarrow hidden" targclass="no_left_margin"]Button One[/expand]

We then added the following CSS under the Custom CSS area of the theme (if available) or the collapse-pro-matic plugin settings:

.hidden {
   display: none;
.no_left_margin {
   margin-left: 0;
Content One
Content Two
Content Three

Collapse-O-Matic Top & Bottom Trigger Test

This is how to place a trigger at the top and bottom of a expand element:

[expand title="Read more..." swaptitle="Read less..." id="swine"]...content...
<span class="collapseomatic colomat-close" id="bot-swine">Read less...</span>
Swine frankfurter non in shoulder. Tri-tip boudin prosciutto pork ball tip elit flank. Incididunt id ex, fugiat cillum turducken andouille sirloin est.
Read less…