Print-O-Matic Icon Inline-Block CSS

This is how you modify the print-icon to have it show up in a simple menu. If we start with a simple right-aligned menu: <p style=”text-align: right;”><span class=”expandall”>Expand All</span> | <span class=”collapseall”>Collapse All</span> | </p> See how the icon jumps to it’s own line? Expand All | Collapse All | Let’s fix that. Step one, …

Collapse-O-Matic > Lock Open

An element can be set to ‘lock open’ once it has been expanded by setting trigclass=”colomat-expand-only”: Also works for grouping (Star Wars will lock open): Fiction Fact Also works for highlander-grouping (Monkeys will lock open): Fiction Also works for nested elements (level 3 will stay open): And of course expand/collapse all triggers: Expand All Collapse …