[tminus t="12-12-2014 08:00:00" style="cloud-city"]
Collapse-Pro-Matic Arrows
Default/Left Arrow:
[expand title="arrow to the left"]<-- see that, that's left[/expand]]
[expand title="arrow to the left"]<-- see that, that's left[/expand]
Right Arrow:
[[expand title="arrow to the right" trigclass="arrowright"]checkout what is to the right -->[/expand]
No Arrow:
[expand title="no arrow to be found" trigclass="noarrow"]the arrow is not to be found[/expand]
Both Left & Right Arrow:
This method requires the extra-trigger feature of Collapse-Pro-Matic and must be built using the roll-your-own method and a bit of css:
Magic CSS
Place the following css in the collapse-o-matic (or collapse-pro-matic) plugin options page, under Custom Style:
.magic_beans {
display: inline;
float: left;
margin-right: 1.2em;
.clear {
clear: both;
Roll-Your-Own Method w/ Magic CSS
<div class="collapseomatic magic_beans" id="doublearrow" title="double arrows!">double arrows!</div><div class="collapseomatic magic_beans" id="extra-doublearrow"></div>
<div id="target-doublearrow" class="collapseomatic_content clear"><--to the left, to the right--></div>
Archive-Pro-Matic all_is_link Attribute Test
Normally, the before and after attributes work like this:
[archives type="yearly" before="before text " after=" after text"]
- before text 2025 after text
- before text 2023 after text
- before text 2022 after text
- before text 2021 after text
- before text 2020 after text
- before text 2019 after text
- before text 2018 after text
- before text 2017 after text
- before text 2016 after text
- before text 2015 after text
- before text 2014 after text
- before text 2013 after text
- before text 2012 after text
- before text 2010 after text
But what if we add a new attribute called ‘all_is_link’ that places the before and after text INSIDE of the html link… and set it like so:
[archives type="yearly" before="before text " after=" after text" all_is_link="true"]
- before text 2025 after text
- before text 2023 after text
- before text 2022 after text
- before text 2021 after text
- before text 2020 after text
- before text 2019 after text
- before text 2018 after text
- before text 2017 after text
- before text 2016 after text
- before text 2015 after text
- before text 2014 after text
- before text 2013 after text
- before text 2012 after text
- before text 2010 after text
Collapse-O-Matic – The Roll Your Own Method
Using the expand shortcode we can create a simple collapse-o-matic accordion element like so:
[expand title="Trigger Text"]Target Content[/expand]
Now, if we wanted to do the same thing but using the roll-your-own method we would have to create the elements manually:
<div class="collapseomatic " id="my_id" title="Trigger Text">Trigger Text</div>
<div id="target-my_id" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target Content</div>
Now, we have the freedom to put the target element whatever we want: before, in or after the Trigger element. For example, here a link has been placed between the target and trigger:
<div class="collapseomatic" id="my_new_id" title="Trigger Text">Trigger Text</div>
<a href="http://plugins.twinpictures.de/premium-plugins/collapse-pro-matic/">Special Link</a>
<div id="target-my_new_id" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target Content</div>
Now if we apply a bit of CSS magic, we can have the trigger and link display inline:
Magic CSS
Place the following css in the collapse-o-matic (or collapse-pro-matic) plugin options page, under Custom Style:
.magic_beans {
display: inline;
float: left;
margin-right: 1.2em;
.clear {
clear: both;
Roll-Your-Own Method w/ Magic CSS
<div class="collapseomatic magic_beans" id="my_unique_id" title="Trigger Text">Trigger Text</div><a href="http://plugins.twinpictures.de/premium-plugins/collapse-pro-matic/" class="magic_beans">Collapse-Pro-Matic</a>
<div id="target-my_unique_id" class="collapseomatic_content clear">Target Content</div>
The Final Result
Roll-Your-Own Method w/ Images
<img src="https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/2001_Space_Odysey-300x145.gif" class="collapseomatic noarrow" id="some_id" title="Hover over Trigger Text">
<div class="collapseomatic_content" id="target-some_id" >Target Content</div>
Required components:
- Trigger:
- class=”collapseomatic noarrow”
- id=”some_id”
- Target:
- class=”collapseomatic_content”
- id=”target-some_id”

Highlander Grouping
Highlander grouping is accomplished by adding data-group=”group_name-highlander” like so:
<div class="collapseomatic" id="monkey" data-group="animal-highlander" title="Monkeys">Monkeys</div>
<div id="target-monkey" class="collapseomatic_content">The monkey says Eek! Eek!</div>
<div class="collapseomatic" id="donkey" data-group="animal-highlander" title="Donkeys">Donkeys</div>
<div id="target-donkey" class="collapseomatic_content">The Donkey says Hee Haw</div>
Collapse-Pro-Matic Responsive Target Content Test
This is a test where the collapsed content contains a responsive element.
Test two gives the responsive element a min-height
Test three wraps the responsive element in another element with a min-height
wrapping element
Test four. The responsive element has a class of ‘resizeme’ and we fire a callback to figure out it’s size once the expand has happened:
List Related Attachment 2.0 Test
The following will list all attachments with a media type of image/jpeg and link directly to the image:
[[list-related-attach type="image/jpeg"]]
[list-related-attach type=”image/jpeg”]
This should show the same thing, but link to the attachment page:
[[list-related-attach type="image/jpeg" link_to="attachment"]]
[list-related-attach type=”image/jpeg” link_to=”attachment”]
and here we test the orderby attribute:
[[list-related-attach type="image/jpeg" orderby="title" order="ASC"]]
[list-related-attach type=”image/jpeg” orderby=”title” order=”ASC”]
Collapse-O-Matic & Contact Form 7 Test
This is an example of a form inside an expand element:
[expand title="Click To View Form"][[contact-form-7 id="485" title="Contact form 1"]][/expand]
Here is an example of a expand element inside a form:
[[contact-form-7 id="1504" title="Collapse-O-Form"]]
[contact-form-7 id=”1504″ title=”Collapse-O-Form”]
As you can see, the shortcode does not render inside Contact Form 7. There is a work-around for that described here.
Finally, we are going to try using the roll-your-own method.
[[contact-form-7 id="1508" title="Roll-O-Form"]]
[contact-form-7 id=”1508″ title=”Roll-O-Form”]
Yup, that works!
Annual Archive / Archive-Pro-Matic Shortcode Test
Here are a few tests of the archive pro matic shortcode:
[archives type="daily" limit="5"]
- Thu, 13th February, 2025
- Thu, 24th August, 2023
- Tue, 9th May, 2023
- Mon, 27th March, 2023
- Wed, 22nd February, 2023
[archives type="weekly" limit="5"]
- Mon, 10th February, 2025–Sun, 16th February, 2025
- Mon, 21st August, 2023–Sun, 27th August, 2023
- Mon, 8th May, 2023–Sun, 14th May, 2023
- Mon, 27th March, 2023–Sun, 2nd April, 2023
- Mon, 20th February, 2023–Sun, 26th February, 2023
[archives type="monthly" limit="5"]
[archives type="yearly" limit="5"]
[archives type="yearly" limit="5" show_post_count="true"]
[archives type="decade"]
The post_type and cat_id attributes are available by upgrading to Archive-Pro-Matic
[archives type="yearly" post_type="monkey" limit="5"]
[archives type="yearly" post_type="monkey" limit="5"]
[archives type="yearly" cat_id="4" limit="5"]
Collapse-O-Matic Attribute Test
Simple test of how shortcode attributes are being formatted when HTML tags are used. This was an issue with WordPress 4.0-alpha-20140616 and has been addressed in the ticket: Shortcode Attributes with HTML Tags no longer working
[expand title="Test" trigclass="noarrow" alt="turtles one"]This is the content of the first image[/expand]
[expand title="<strong>Strong Test</strong>" trigclass="noarrow" alt="turtles one"]This is the content of the first image[/expand]
[expand title="<img src='https://spacedonkey.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ninja_turtles-150x150.jpg'/>" trigclass="noarrow" alt="turtles one"]This is the content of the first image[/expand]

T(-) Countdown TIE Fighter CSS Test
Here is the standard TIE Fighter style with weeks omitted:
[tminus t="20-06-2018 23:59:59" style="TIE-fighter" omitweeks="true"/]