Collapse Commander Image Test
Collapse Commander Shortcode
[expand cid="2361" /]

Collapse Commander Trigger
[expand_trig cid="2361" /]

Collapse Commander Target
[expand_targ cid="2361" /]
Roll-Your-Own Nested Expands
Here is a simple example of how you can create nested expand elements using the shortcode:
[expand title="state1" id="state1"]
[expandsub1 title="city1" id="city1"]bar1
[expandsub1 title="city2" id="city2"]bar3
Here is a similar example of nested expand elements using the Roll-Your-Own method:
<div class="collapseomatic" id="state2" title="state2">state2</div>
<div id="target-state2" class="collapseomatic_content " style="display: none;">
<div class="collapseomatic" id="city3" title="city3">city3</div><div id="target-city3" class="collapseomatic_content " style="display: none;">bar5<br>
<div class="collapseomatic" id="city4" title="city4">city4</div><div id="target-city4" class="collapseomatic_content " style="display: none;">bar7<br>
Here is a four level deep nested test using shortcodes:
+ Coaching (Team Services)
+ Coaching Engagements
Agile Team Accelerator
Embedded Agile Coaching
Technical Agile Coaching
Executive Session for Agile
Coaching Workshops
Grouping Collapse-Pro-Matic Setall Subexpands
Introducing ‘togglegroup’ a new attribute that can be used instead of rel and highlander grouping for collapseall/expandall/setall toggles.
Here is a list of expand elements with nested expansub elements:
[expand title="main 1" rel="main-highlander" togglegroup="group_1"] This is the first main section and it has multiple sub sections:
[expandsub1 title="sub a" rel="sub-highlander" togglegroup="group_1"]sub section a[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title="sub b" rel="sub-highlander" togglegroup="group_1"]sub section b[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title="sub c" rel="sub-highlander" togglegroup="group_1"]sub section b[/expandsub1]
[expand title="main 2" rel="main-highlander" togglegroup="group_1"] This is the second main section and it has multiple sub sections:
[expandsub1 title="sub d" rel="sub-highlander" togglegroup="group_1"]sub section d[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title="sub e" rel="sub-highlander" togglegroup="group_1"]sub section e[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title="sub f" rel="sub-highlander" togglegroup="group_1"]sub section f[/expandsub1]
And here is a list of the different types of expandall/collapseall and toggle triggers that may be used.
[expand title="Expand All" swaptitle="Collapse All" trigclass="setall"/]
[expand title="Expand Main" swaptitle="Collapse Main" trigclass="setall" rel="main-highlander"/]
[expand title="Expand Sub" swaptitle="Collapse Sub" trigclass="setall" rel="sub-highlander"/]
[expand title="Expand Group 1" swaptitle="Collapse Group 1" trigclass="setall" togglegroup="group_1" /]
<span class="expandall">Expand All</span>
<span class="collapseall">Collapse All</span>
<span class="collapseomatic setall noarrow" id="my_toggle_id" title="Expand All">Expand All Toggle</span>
<span id="swap-my_toggle_id" class="colomat-swap" style="display:none;">Collapse All Toggle</span>
<span class="collapseomatic setall noarrow" id="my_other_toggle_id" title="Expand Group 1" data-togglegroup="group_1">Expand Group 1 Toggle</span>
<span id="swap-my_other_toggle_id" class="colomat-swap" style="display:none;">Collapse Group 1 Toggle</span>
Expand Elements
Shortcode Triggers
Roll-Your-Own Triggers
Collapse All
Expand All Toggle
Expand Group 1 Toggle
Orphan Element
This is an expand element is not grouped with anything.
Alt Attribute Removed
the alt attribute is causing the html to not validate properly. Here is a test to ensure it does not show up anymore:
[expand title="Expand all" swaptitle="Swap all" trigclass="setall" rel="main" notitle="true"]this is a test[/expand]
With SwapAlt:
[expand title="Monkey" alt="click for donkey" swaptitle="Donkey" swapalt="click for monkey" notitle="true"]this is a test[/expand]
Collapse-O-Matic Lists
One of the more common support issues with Collapse-O-Matic are related to unwanted spacing between collapse elements. While there are a number of reasons why this happens, the most common issues are extra ‘p’ or ‘br’ tags being added due to the strange way the wpautop filter. Often the spacing issue can be resolved by wrapping the expand elements in a div, removing any extra spacing or hard-returns between the expand elements, adjusting css, using different expand html elements (such as the ‘li’ element), or using the Collapse Commander add-on.
Example of a simple list using Collapse-O-Matic:
[expand title="Item One"]
This is some special text to display about item one
[expand title="Item Two"]
This is some special text about item two to display
[expand title="Item Three"]
Item three also has some special text to be displayed
Example using UL and LI elements:
[expand title="Item One" tag="li"]
This is some special text to display about item one
[expand title="Item Two" tag="li"]
This is some special text about item two to display
[expand title="Item Three" tag="li"]
Item three also has some special text to be displayed
- Item One
- Item Two
- Item Three
Example of a list using Collapse-Commander
[expand cid="1765"/]
[expand cid="1766"/]
[expand cid="1767"/]
example of internal content list without using filter attribute:
[expand title="Standard"]
This is some text on the first line
This is some text on the second line
This is some text on the third line
This is some text on the second line
This is some text on the third line
example of internal content list using filter attribute:
[expand title="Filtered" filter="true"]
This is some text on the first line
This is some text on the second line
This is some text on the third line
This is some text on the first line
This is some text on the second line
This is some text on the third line
Send2Scan New IFRAME Embed Test
sid 1728
This is a 360º spin with a transparent .png thumbnail image.
embed code:
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="300" height="200" scrolling="no" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
sid 1737
Collapse-O-Matic Force Collapse Test
Collapse-Pro-Matic Global Cookies
As of Collapse-Pro-Matic version 1.0.4 there is a new Global Cookie setting based on this thread by Grant Pax.
- Provide a unique name under Dashboard > Settings > Collapse-Pro-Matic > Global Cookie Name. For this example we will use
- provide ONE collapse element that will be used to set the global cookie value. This master trigger element must have the following attributes:
[expand title="Expand All" swaptitle="Collapse All" cookiename="monkeybucket" trigclass="setall"/]