Print-Pro-Matic Optional No-Print

In this example, the option to include a specific element is provide by using a checkbox. This feature was introduced in Print-Pro-Matic version 2.0-beta-210121

The default print target will be the article element. The image of the donkey has been assigned a class of ‘logo’. Now we need to create our print trigger and a checkbox:

[print-me title="Print Trigger"/]

<label><input type="checkbox" id="ppm_odnp" value=".logo">Donkey Free Print</label>

The checkbox must have an ID of ppm_odnp (because print-pro-matic optional do not print is a bit long). The value is the optional do not print selector, so .logo is for items with a class of ‘logo’, while #logo is an item with an id of ‘logo’.

Here is a working demonstration.

Print Trigger

Collapse-Pro-Matic Spacing

this is a monkey

This is some text

Here is a headline

100-1 First thing
100-2 Second Thing
a. First Sub thing
b. Second sub thing
100-3 Third Thing
100-4 Forth Thing
100-5 Fifth Thing
I am bold.
Some info:
Here is some info that explains more about thing five.
100-6 Sixth Thing
100-7 Seventh Thing

Numbered List Items

<ul class="numbers">
    <li data-pos="2">one</li>
    <li data-pos="2">two
            <li data-pos="2"></li>
            <li data-pos="2">two.two</li>
            <li data-pos="2">two.three</li>
    • one


    • two




        • two.two


        • two.three




    • three




        • three.two


            • – this is a much longer piece of text that will wrap around and should display how the padding and offset of the numbering works with a longer text.


            • three.two.two






  • four


ul.numbers {
    counter-reset: levelone;
    list-style: none;

ul.numbers > li {
    counter-increment: levelone;

ul.numbers > li[data-pos]:before {
    content: attr(data-pos) "." counters(levelone, ".") ". ";

ul.numbers ul {
    counter-reset: leveltwo;
    list-style: none;

ul.numbers ul > li {
    counter-increment: leveltwo;

ul.numbers ul > li[data-pos]:before {
    content: attr(data-pos) "." counters(levelone, ".") "." counters(leveltwo, ".") ". ";

ul.numbers ul ul {
    counter-reset: levelthree;
    list-style: none;

ul.numbers ul ul > li {
    counter-increment: levelthree;

ul.numbers ul ul > li[data-pos]:before {
    content: attr(data-pos) "." counters(levelone, ".") "." counters(leveltwo, ".") "." counters(levelthree, ".") ". ";

Print-O-Matic and WordPress Charts

Here is an example of using Print-O-Matic to print a WordPress Chart using wp-charts.

[wpcharts type=”piechart” legend=”false” titles=”Title 1, Title 2, Title 3, Title 4″ values=”3,7,5,12″ id=”my_chart”]

[print-me target="%prev%"/]

Works in 2.0.
Pre 2.0:
It seems we need to wrap the chart shortcode in a div so we can target that div and include it’s related javascript.
Still not. maybe we also need to include the chart js on the page?
Nope. It seems the HTML Canvas element is not cloning it’s content that was generated by the javascript… hmmm.

Collapse-O-Matic Grouping and Expandall Issues

If we set up two groups for the sole purpose of creating expand/collapse all triggers that will only expand/collapse the related group we currently have to create something like:

Science Fiction:

[expand title="Star Wars" rel="fiction"]Alliance to Restore the Republic vs. Galactic Empire[/expand]
<span class="expandall" rel="fiction">Expand All Science Fiction</span>
<span class="collapseall" rel="fiction">Collapse All Science Fiction</span>

Pure Science:

[expand title="Space Race" rel="history"]USA vs. USSR[/expand]
<span class="expandall" rel="history">Expand All Pure Science</span>
<span class="collapseall" rel="history">Collapse All Pure Science</span>

Rel Example:

Science Fiction

  • Star Wars
    Alliance to Restore the Republic vs. Galactic Empire
  • Star Trek
    United Federation of Planets vs. Klingon Empire vs. Romulan Star Empire vs. Cardassian Union vs. the Borg vs. the Dominion
  • Battlestar Galactica
    Twelve Colonies vs. Cylon Empire

Expand All Science Fiction
Collapse All Science Fiction

Pure Science

  • Space Race
    USA vs. USSR
  • Ansari X Prize
    Scaled Composites vs. Many Others

Expand All Pure Science
Collapse All Pure Science

So this works, but what if we do NOT what the expanding of one group to automatically collapse any open items of other groups?

As of Collapse-O-matic version 1.7.1, two new attributes have been introduced to deal with exactly this issue. For the shortcode:
and for the roll-your-own method:

Science Fiction:

[expand title="Star Wars" togglegroup="fiction"]Alliance to Restore the Republic vs. Galactic Empire[/expand]
<span class="expandall" data-togglegroup="fiction">Expand All Science Fiction</span>
<span class="collapseall" data-togglegroup="fiction">Collapse All Science Fiction</span>

Pure Science:

[expand title="Space Race" togglegroup="history"]USA vs. USSR[/expand]
<span class="expandall" data-togglegroup="history">Expand All Pure Science</span>
<span class="collapseall" data-togglegroup="history">Collapse All Pure Science</span>
[expand title="Expand All" swaptitle="Collapse All" trigclass="setall" togglegroup="history"/]

Group Example:

Science Fiction

  • Star Wars
    Alliance to Restore the Republic vs. Galactic Empire
  • Star Trek
    United Federation of Planets vs. Klingon Empire vs. Romulan Star Empire vs. Cardassian Union vs. the Borg vs. the Dominion
  • Battlestar Galactica
    Twelve Colonies vs. Cylon Empire

Expand All Science Fiction
Collapse All Science Fiction

Pure Science

  • Space Race
    USA vs. USSR
  • Ansari X Prize
    Scaled Composites vs. Many Others

Expand All Pure Science
Collapse All Pure

Expand All*

Adding Highlander Grouping:

[expand title="Monkey" togglegroup="animal" rel="animal-highlander"]monkeys are fast[/expand]
[expand title="Donkey" togglegroup="animal" rel="animal-highlander"]donkeys are strong[/expand]
<span class="expandall" data-togglegroup="animal">Expand All Animals</span>
<span class="collapseall" data-togglegroup="animal">Collapse All Animals</span>
[expand title="Expand All" swaptitle="Collapse All" trigclass="setall" togglegroup="animal"/]
  • Monkey
    Monkeys are fast
  • Donkey
    Donkeys are strong

Expand All Animals
Collapse All Animals

Expand All*

*collapse-pro-matic only