Archive Pro Matic Exclude Single Cat

Test to see if a single category can be excluded from an archive list.

[archives type="monthly" cat_id="-51"/]

Archive-Pro-Matic Monthly Sub Post-By-Post

This is a test of a monthly archive that displays a sub-list of post-by-post archives.

[archives type="postbypost" sub_options="true" limit="10"/]


Here are examples of limiting by category. First, using cat_id

[archives type="postbypost" sub_options="true" cat_id="55" limit="10"/]


Next, Using taxonomy and term. This pair can be used for any taxonomy, including category:

[archives type="postbypost" sub_options="true" taxonomy="category" term="archive-pro-matic" limit="10"/]

Archive-Pro-Matic – Link in New Tab

Testing the new link_atts attribute in archive-pro-matic

[archives type="birthmonth" order="ASC" class="grid" link_atts="target='_blank'"/]
[archives type="yearly" cat_id="1" show_post_count="true" /]

Print-Pro-Matic Optional No-Print

In this example, the option to include a specific element is provide by using a checkbox. This feature was introduced in Print-Pro-Matic version 2.0-beta-210121

The default print target will be the article element. The image of the donkey has been assigned a class of ‘logo’. Now we need to create our print trigger and a checkbox:

[print-me title="Print Trigger"/]

<label><input type="checkbox" id="ppm_odnp" value=".logo">Donkey Free Print</label>

The checkbox must have an ID of ppm_odnp (because print-pro-matic optional do not print is a bit long). The value is the optional do not print selector, so .logo is for items with a class of ‘logo’, while #logo is an item with an id of ‘logo’.

Here is a working demonstration.

Print Trigger