Collapse O Matic and Using HTML Inside a Shortcode Attribute

Here is an example of using html inside a shortcode attribute:

[expand title='HTML Title']Here is some content[/expand]

HTML Title
Here is some content

As of 1.8.4 this will no longer work. Instead we need to use the tag attribute:
[expand tag='span' title='Non HTML Title']Here is some content[/expand]
Non HTML Title

Here is some content

Here is a test also using HTML in the swaptitle attribugte
[expand title='HTML Title' swaptitle='Hey Dude']Here is some content[/expand]

HTML Title
Here is some content
Here is some content

Archive-Pro-Matic Category Test

Warning: Undefined variable $url in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 628

Deprecated: strstr(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1153

Deprecated: stripos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1160

Deprecated: stripos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1163

Deprecated: str_contains(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1170

Deprecated: str_contains(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1173

This is a test for displaying archive-pro-matic category archives.

Single Category

[archives type="monthly" cat="collapse-pro-matic" /]

But what about taxonomies, post tags for example? We can get a monthly archive for a specific post tag like so:

[archives type="monthly" term="manhole" taxonomy="post_tag" /]

Or all post tags by month. The following will list only posts that have at least one post tag assigned, grouped by month:

[archives type="monthly" taxonomy="post_tag" /]

And as a drop-down list:

[archives type="monthly" taxonomy="post_tag" sep=" > " format="option" /]

Special request: Years and each year’s tags as a subsets in a select drop-down:

[archives type="yearly" taxonomy="post_tag" sep="—" format="option" sub_options="true"/]

New “Quarterly” type:

[archives type="quarterly" /]
[archives type="quarterly" format="option" sep=" - " sub_options="true" /]

Nes Archive Type “Seasonally”:

[archives type="seasonally" /]
[archives type="seasonally" format="option" sep=" - " sub_options="true" /]

Print-Pro-Matic Placeholder Attribute

The placeholder attribute is used to add the print-me data to the page when print trigger and target will be added dynamically, for example: via AJAX or a Modal Window.

[print-me target="#print_me" placeholder="true"/]

This will not add the trigger to the page, just the targeting info for when the trigger is later displayed.

collapse-o-matic with inline link

This is an example of a collapse element with an inline link.

[expand title="this is a test with a <a href=''>link</a>"]here is some hidden content[/expand]

the key is to use double quotes to wrap the title attribute and single quotes for the html inside the double quotes.

this is a test with a link
here is some hidden content

Collapse-O-Matic, Graphene Theme & Any Mobile Switcher Test

First let’s test the mobile-only and mobile-exclude shortcodes to see if they are included with the plugin. No, they are not.

Now we install the Graphene Theme and test…
Oops, wrong Graphene Theme. It seems This Theme is all that is required for testing the shortcodes.

Mobile Only

[[mobile only]...[/mobile-only]]

[mobile only]
this is some text that should only show up on mobile devices

Mobile Exclude

[[mobile exclude]...[/mobile-exclude]]

this is some text that should only show up on non-mobile devices

Print-O-Matic Multiple Target Test

This is a test of Print-O-Matic using multiple targets, for example:

This is an element inside of a div with an ID called: targ_id_one
This is a second element that is wrapped in a div with an ID of: targ_id_two

And now for the trigger:

[print-me target="#targ_id_one, #targ_id_two"/]
print me
print me