Print-Pro-Matic Inject Logo Before Print Element

This is a quick test to inject a logo at the top of a print-pro-matic page using only css.
In this case, the print element has a class of #post-2182 and it is targeted as normal:

[print-me target="#post-2182"]

However now we add the following css to the our theme:

@media print {
   #post-2182::before {
      content: url(;

This will place the logo in the ::before pseudo class of the targeted print element on the print page. however if the images does NOT exist on the page then it will not have enough time to load before print is triggered. Let’s try it out:

[print-me target="#post-2182" pause_before_print="500"/]

Probably now image right? Now click the print icon again. Image. How to solve this?

Guess we need to use top_html and bottom_html to define custom content and provide a bit of pause_before_print time.