[tminus cid="1036" style="carbonite" omitweeks="false"/]
Font Awesome Roll Over Test
Wonky Submit & Print-O-Matic Button
This is a Dr. Frankenstein experiment with Contact Form 7’s Submit button and the Print-O-Matic Print button. In theory, when submitting this form, the form should also also force-launch the print dialogue. Years of working in UI tells us NOT do this, but hey, people still have music playing on page load, so what do we know.
[[contact-form-7 id="1018" title="SubPrint"/]]
To cross-breed the Submit button with the print-o-matic print trigger, use the roll-your-own method as follows:
- create a cf7 submit/print button by assigning it a unique ID (in this case subprint) and a class of printomatic.
[submit id:subprint class:printomatic]
manually insert a hidden input that has the ID of “target-
” and a value of the target you wish to print.
<input type="hidden" id="target-subprint" value=".wpcf7-form" />
be sure the ‘Shortcode Loads Scripts’ checkbox is NOT checked in the plugins options page.
Update: This is no longer supported in the current version of print-o-matic. Here is how to implement this solution with print-pro-matic.
Send2Scan New IFRAME Embed Test
sid 1728
This is a 360º spin with a transparent .png thumbnail image.
embed code:
<iframe src="http://send2scan.com/spin.php?sid=1755" frameborder="0" width="300" height="200" scrolling="no" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
sid 1737
Collapse-O-Matic Force Collapse Test
Collapse-Pro-Matic Global Cookies
As of Collapse-Pro-Matic version 1.0.4 there is a new Global Cookie setting based on this thread by Grant Pax.
- Provide a unique name under Dashboard > Settings > Collapse-Pro-Matic > Global Cookie Name. For this example we will use
- provide ONE collapse element that will be used to set the global cookie value. This master trigger element must have the following attributes:
[expand title="Expand All" swaptitle="Collapse All" cookiename="monkeybucket" trigclass="setall"/]
Collapse-O-Matic Expand & Swaptitle Test
Hover-O-Matic 0.4 Test
Roll-Your-Own Method:
1. has class: collapseomatic
2. has an id, example: ape
1. has class: collapseomatic_content
2. has id in the format target-trigger_id, example: target-ape
Internal Close Triger
1. has class: colomat-internalclose
2. has id in the format bot-trigger_id, example: bot-ape
Live Demo
internal close
T-Countdown Control Cookie Test
Print-Pro-Matic Multiple URL test
[print-me url="http://twinpictures.de" title="print Twinpictures"]
[print-me url="http://plugins.twinpictures.de" title="print Plugin Oven"]