As of Archive-Pro-Matic version 1.1.10 we have added two filters two filters for the decade archives list:
Filter: apm_decade_archive_list
apm_decade_archive_title is used to display how the decade appears in the archive list. The default list is YYYY’s, for example:
apply_filters('apm_decade_archive_list', $text, $decade);
This filter can be used to change how the decade list is displayed by adding the following to the function.php file in the child-theme.
add_filter( 'apm_decade_archive_list', 'list_decade_range', 10, 2 );
function list_decade_range($text, $decade){
$text = $decade.' - '.($decade + 9);
return $text;
Filter: apm_decade_archive_title
apm_decade_archive_title is used to display the title of the decade archive page. The default title is The YYYY’s for example:
The 2000’s
apply_filters('apm_decade_archive_title', $title, $decade);
And would be used by adding the following to the child theme’s function.php file:
add_filter( 'apm_decade_archive_title', 'decade_range_title', 10, 2 );
function decade_range_title($title, $decade){
$title .= ' ('.$decade.' - '.($decade + 9).')';
return $title;
Here is an example shortcode that will list an archive of posts by decade:
[archives type="decade"/]
this is a caption