Collapse-O-Matic Inline Trigger with Block Target


This is an example of some text that has a trigger placed inline, meaning that the trigger does not break the flow of the text. However, when this triggerhidden content is clicked and the target is expanded, the target would break the paragraph as a display: block element. Naturally, when the element is collapsed, the inline flow returns.

...However, when [expand tag="span" title="this trigger" targtag="span"]hidden content[/expand] is clicked...

The Roll-Your-Own Method

This is an example of some text that has a trigger placed inline, using the roll-your-own method. However, when this trigger hidden content is clicked and the target is expanded, the target would break the paragraph as a display: block element. Naturally, when the element is collapsed, the inline flow returns.

...However, when <span title="this trigger" class="collapseomatic" id="testme2">this trigger</span><span class="collapseomatic_content" id="target-testme2">hidden content</span>
is clicked...

Limited Time Offer Demo

This is an example of how a limited time offer would work in conjunction with content in a collapse-o-matic expand element.

This demo uses T(-) Countdown Control with a cookie that tracks when the offer expires for each unique visitor. Once the countdown reaches zero, T(-) Countdown Events will remove any special offer items.

For this demo, we’ll set the special timer for just two minutes. The offer will then be removed for 24 hours, and then after the 24 hours are past, the offer will reset.

this is where the details of the special are presented