This is just a simple test of a span with a rel attribute:
Monkeys are funny.
and now a div:
A Pluginoven Test Site
This is just a simple test of a span with a rel attribute:
Monkeys are funny.
and now a div:
Here is an example of using Print-O-Matic to print a WordPress Chart using wp-charts.
[wpcharts type=”piechart” legend=”false” titles=”Title 1, Title 2, Title 3, Title 4″ values=”3,7,5,12″ id=”my_chart”]
[print-me target="%prev%"/]
Works in 2.0.
Pre 2.0:
It seems we need to wrap the chart shortcode in a div so we can target that div and include it’s related javascript.
Still not. maybe we also need to include the chart js on the page?
Nope. It seems the HTML Canvas element is not cloning it’s content that was generated by the javascript… hmmm.
Archive-Pro-Matic version 1.0.4 introduces two new attributes: alpha_headings and alpha_tag
[archives type="alpha" cat_id="4" limit="30" alpha_headings="true"/]
[archives type="alpha" cat_id="4" limit="30" alpha_headings="true" alpha_tag="strong"/]