This is a follow-up post to Collapse-O-Matic > Line of Trigger Images. This time we want to have the triggers in-line but the content to be displayed below the trigger line. To do this we first must use the roll-your-own method.
<span class="collapseomatic" id="item_one" data-group="item-highlander">Trigger One</span> <span class="collapseomatic" id="item_two" data-group="item-highlander">Trigger Two</span> <span class="collapseomatic" id="item_three" data-group="item-highlander">Trigger Three</span>
<div id="target-item_one" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target One</div>
<div id="target-item_two" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target Two</div>
<div id="target-item_three" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target Three</div>
The Results:
Trigger One Trigger Two Trigger ThreeCollaspse-Commander
The same thing with collapse commander would look like this:
[expand_trig cid="2119" /] [expand_trig cid="2120" /] [expand_trig cid="2121" /]
[expand_targ cid="2119" /] [expand_targ cid="2120" /] [expand_targ cid="2121" /]
Item One Item Two Item Three