Test 1
<h7>Test Header</h7>
<strong>Strong Text</strong>
This is a bit of text that goes on for awhile just to create the illusion that there is something important to say. After some time we might want to create a little teaser for [expand title="Read more" swaptitle="Read Less" trigclass="arrowright" targpos="inline" targtag="span" trigpos="below"]this text that was hidden but now is not. [/expand]
Strong Text
This is a bit of text that goes on for awhile just to create the illusion that there is something important to say. After some time we might want to create a little teaser for this text that was hidden but now is not.
Read more
What if we placed all of this inside a LI element:
Test Header
Strong Text
This is a bit of text that goes on for awhile just to create the illusion that there is something important to say. After some time we might want to create a little teaser for this text that was hidden but now is not.Read more
If the shortcode needs to be placed inside a paragraph, it’s best to use the roll-your-own method like so:
This is a paragraph of text that we just are going to throw in here. You might not like the text, as it really just rambles on and on, but it does fill the purpose of filler text. this is the <div id="target-paratest" class="collapseomatic_content_inline colomat-inline span_fix" style="display: inline;">last text in the first paragraph.
<p>This is the next paragraph of text</p>
<p>This is the final paragraph of text</p></div> <span class="collapseomatic span_fix noarrow" id="paratest" title="Read more..." tabindex="0">Read more...</span> <span id="swap-paratest" class="colomat-swap" style="display:none;">Read less...</span>
<p>Now let's see what happens.</p>
This is a paragraph of text that we just are going to throw in here. You might not like the text, as it really just rambles on and on, but it does fill the purpose of filler text. this is the
last text in the first paragraph.
This is the next paragraph of text
This is the next paragraph of text
This is the final paragraph of text
Read more…
Now let’s see what happens.