Print-O-Matic Placeholder Test
This is how one uses the %ID% placeholder for targeting the post_id
[print-me target="#post-%ID%"/]
4DD Mephisto VR
Strange hasClass Issue
Collapse-O-Matic Multi Triggers & Targets
Multiple Triggers
Add the format extra[n]-id to add extra external triggers for a single target:
<div id="test" class="collapseomatic">Trigger 1</div>
<div id="target-test" class="collapseomatic_content">You might think you can catch a monkey, but you can't. Monkeys are FAST!</div>
<div id="extra1-test" class="collapseomatic">Trigger 2</div>
<div id="extra2-test" class="collapseomatic">Trigger 3</div>
which should produce a little something like:
Multiple Targets
Multiple targets are available only in the Collapse-Pro-Matic plugin. To add extra targets, assign the ID in the format of target[n]-id as follows:
<div id="target1-monkey" class="collapseomatic_content">content</div>
<div id="monkey" class="collapseomatic">Trigger</div>
<div id="target2-monkey" class="collapseomatic_content">content</div>
which should produce a little something like:
Column-Matic Responsive Test
Column-Matic Shortcode
[[column class="column_left" float=""]Yada yada, spiffy logo image with a funky monkey and a wiffle-ball bat.[/column]]
[[column class="column_right" float=""]Yippy Skippy another logo image with a ding-ding-dong touching tra-la-la.[/column]]
For normal screens:
.column_left {
width: 40%;
.column_right {
float: left;
margin-left: 10px;
border-left: 1px dotted red;
padding-left: 10px;
width: 40%;
For Screens smaller than 450px wide:
@media (max-width: 450px) {
.column_left, .column_right{
width: 95%;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 3px;
clear: both;
border: none;
[column class=”column_left” float=””]Yada yada, spiffy logo image with a funky monkey and a wiffle-ball bat.[/column]
[column class=”column_right” float=””]Yippy Skippy another logo image with a ding-ding-dong touching tra-la-la.[/column]
T(-) Countdown Link Test
Collapse-O-Matic Target Tag & Target Position Test
targtag="span" targpos="inline"
Note: if your theme uses :befor and :after pusdo classes for span we need to assign special classes to remove these.
trigclass="span_fix" targclass="span_fix"
.my_trigger:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.span_fix {
padding: 0 !important;
margin: 0 !important;
.span_fix:before, .span_fix:after {
content: none;
Inline Trigger Text
[expand title="just some text as an in-line trigger" tag="span" targtag="span" targpos="inline" trigclass="my_trigger span_fix noarrow" targclass="span_fix"]...[/expand]
Demo 01:
This is an example of some text with [expand title="just some text as an in-line trigger" tag="span" targtag="span" targpos="inline" trigclass="my_trigger span_fix noarrow" targclass="span_fix"]...[/expand] with some small text at the end.
This is an example of some text with just some text as an in-line trigger with some more text coming after. The Central African jungle? We’ve been there. The tunnels under Sao Paulo where you’ll find some of the world’s best art? Sure. Penguins? We love them – just be careful about that wave that’s about to hit our cinematographer there in the center of that photo. with some small text at the end.
Demo 2:
[expand title="the_title" tag="h4" targtag="span" targpos="inline" targclass="span_fix" excerpt="the_excerpt"]the_content[/expand]
Collapse-O-Matic Additional Trigger Below
T(-) Countdown > Hide Hours, Minutes, Seconds
To hide the hours in the jedi style via css:
display: none;