Collapse Commander expand_trig & expand_targ Test

Standard Use of Collapse Commander’s expand_trig and expand_targ shortcodes:

This is the trigger
[expand_trig cid="1537"]

I’m a little donkey

This is the target:
[expand_targ cid="1537"]

short and stout
short and stout
Stuck in a manhole cover until someone pulled me out.

Note the above Collapse-Commander expand element had a default ID assigned. Currently, if a default ID has been assigned, the ID can-not be override with a shortcode attribute. This would not work:

[expand_trig cid="1537" id="donk"]
[expand_targ cid="1537" id="donk"]

Collapse-O-Matic Tabindex Test

This is a test of a new tabindex attribute feature. Assigning the tabindex attribute a numerical value will set the tabindex attribute for the trigger. We are going to use the number three, because we really like this number.

Now what this will do is assign a tabindex of three to the trigger so you should now be able to hit the tab button and eventually land on the trigger. Something to note:

In HTML5, the tabindex attribute can be used on any HTML element (it will validate on any HTML element. However, it is not necessarily useful).

In HTML 4.01, the tabindex attribute can be used with: <a>, <area>, <button>, <input>, <object>, <select> and <textarea>.

So, with that in mind:

HTML 4.01

[expand title="Trigger Text" tag="a" tabindex="3"]Target Content[/expand]
When this item is tabbed to, it will be clearly displayed as in-focus due to a nice little frame or border around the element.
Trigger Text

Target Content


[expand title="Trigger Text" tabindex="3"]Target Content[/expand]
Although this item has the same tabindex value as above, since it is using the default tag of DIV it will NOT be visibly shown as in-focus with a frame.

Trigger Text
Target Content

To display a visible change when our item is in focus, simply create a class for the trigger (using trigclass) and define the :focus pseudo class with an outline like so:

.lookatme:focus {
outline: #ccc dotted 2px;

[expand title="Trigger Text" tabindex="3" trigclass="lookatme"]Target Content[/expand]

Trigger Text
Target Content

Now here is a fun fact:
tabindex="0" allows the element to be placed in the default navigation order.
[expand title="Trigger Text" tabindex="0" trigclass="lookatme"]Target Content[/expand]

Trigger Text
Target Content

Collapse-O/Pro-Matic CSS Tricks – Arrows

Change Open Close Arrows

First create and upload two images. One image for the collapsed state, one for the expand state.
In this example we are using the following images:
Collapsed Icon Expanded Icon

Next we want to create a new class for these arrows. We are going to use the name greenballs. The class definitions need look like so:


.collapseomatic.greenballs {
background-image: url(full_url_to_collapsed_icon.png);
.colomat-close.greenballs {
background-image: url(full_url_to_expanded_icon.png);

Now we need to assign the trigclass attribute our value of ‘greenballs’

[expand title="Trigger Text" trigclass="greenballs"]Target Content[/expand]
This will produce the following:
collapse-o-matic_collapse_01 collapse-o-matic_expand_01

Now we need to adjust the padding so that the left side of the trigger text is not so smashed-up against the icons. To adjust the vertical centring we need to adjust background-position of the background url as well. Here is how the CSS will look after we make these changes:


.collapseomatic.greenballs {
background-image: url(full_url_to_collapsed_icon.png);
background-position: left center;
padding-left: 35px;

Looking much better now:

collapse-o-matic_collapse_02 collapse-o-matic_expand_02

Now If we have a list of expand elements, it might be nice to have a little border that separates each element. Also a bit more vertical padding between the elements:


.collapseomatic.greenballs {
background-image: url(;
background-position: left center;
padding-left: 35px;
padding-top: 15px;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #dfdfdf;

Almost complete:


All that is left to adjust is the spacing and add bottom border to the hidden content. Add a new class for and assign it using the targclass attribute:

[expand title="Trigger One" trigclass="greenballs" targclass="gb_target"]Target Content[/expand]


padding: 15px;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #dfdfdf;

And the Final result:

Trigger One
Target Content
Trigger Two
Target Content
Trigger Three
Target Content

Collapse Commander Test

This is a collapse commander element with no added metadata. Only Title and Content:

Trigger Text and Target Content Only
Hidden Target Content

This is an example with NO trigger text assigned:

Dirty Secret Hidden Trigger
this is the content of my special trigger, sadly there is no trigger text for you to read.

This is an example with sub items…

Master Blaster
sub item two
this is the second item
sub item one
this is the first item

Collapse-O-Matic Expand Title with HTML Formatting

Here is a test with and expand and subexpand elements with html formatting in the Title Attribute:

[expand title="I am <b>bold</b>"]...[/expand]

I am bold
I am also bold
hey strong dude
I am italics
hey Italian dude
I am deleted
phone is ringing

However, this is not supported across all WordPress versions. Collapse-O-Matic version 1.3.6 offers some new placeholders to use as a work-around for WordPress installations that will not allow html in the title, swaptitle, startwrap, endwrap, excerpt and swapexcerpt attributes:
%(% = <
%)% = >
%{% = [
%}% = ]

[expand title="I am %(%b%)%bold%(%/b%)%"]...[/expand]

I am bold
Hidden Content

Collapse Commander

One benefit of using Collapse Commander is that all attributes are not processed through the shortcode attribute filters. This means that both HTML and Shortcodes are fully supported, without the need to further clutter the expand shortcode attributes with placeholders.

No need for placeholders with Collapse Commander
No need for placeholders with Collapse Commander

Collapse-O-Matic Excerpt Shortcode Test

This is a standard collapse element with an plain text excerpt:
[expand title="trigger text" excerpt="excerpt text"]target content[/expand]

I am a little tea-pot
short and stout
Here is my handle, here is my spout.
p.s. the word little is wrapped in em tags:
I am a <em>little</em> tea-pot

Nesting Shortcodes In Shortcode Attributres

Now, what if we wanted to have the excerpt contain a shortcode…
well, no, The shortcode parser does not accept square brackets within attributes. But, what if we used placeholders?!


As of Collapse-O-Matic v1.6.3d placeholders have been added as a work-around that allows both HTML and shortcodes to be used within the title, swaptitle, startwrap, endwrap, excerpt and swapexcerpt attributes:
%(% = <
%)% = >
%{% = [
%}% = ]

So the simple syntax would look like this:
[expand title="trigger text" excerpt="%{%some_shortcode attribute='value'%}%"]target content[/expand]

Keep in mind that if double quotes are used to wrap the attribute, then single quotes must be used inside the nested shortcode’s attributes. Or, as the example below shows, single quotes used to wrap the attribute value, and double quotes inside the nested shortcode’s attributes.

So, a real world example would look like this:
[expand title='I am a little donkey' excerpt='%{%caption id="attachment_1493" align="alignnone" width="150"%}%<a href=""><img src="" alt="short and stout" width="150" height="150" class="size-thumbnail wp-image-1493" /></a> short and stout%{%/caption%}%']stuck in a manhole until someone pulled me out.[/expand]

I am a little donkey
<figure id="attachment_1493" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-1493" style="width: 150px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><a href=""><img src="" alt="short and stout" width="150" height="150" class="size-thumbnail wp-image-1493" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-1493" class="wp-caption-text">short and stout</figcaption></figure>
stuck in a manhole until someone pulled me out.

HTML in Attributes

On some versions of WordPress the use of HTML in shortcode attributes is limited or not at all supported. In these cases you can use placeholders as a work-around, like so:

[expand title="Trigger Text %(%strong%)%Bold%(%/strong%)%"]Hidden Content[/expand]

Trigger Text Bold
Hidden Content

Yes it’s a bit messy but it does work. Let’s see if Collapse Commander can help clean up this clutter.

Collapse Commander

And finally here is a test using the Collapse Commander add-on plugin:
[expand cid="1537"/]

I’m a little donkey
<figure id="attachment_1493" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-1493" style="width: 150px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><a href=""><img src="" alt="short and stout" width="150" height="150" class="size-thumbnail wp-image-1493" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-1493" class="wp-caption-text">short and stout</figcaption></figure>
Stuck in a manhole cover until someone pulled me out.

Oh, very cool! As an added bonus, there is no need to use placeholders. Collapse Commander accepts the full shortcodes in the excerpt fields, as shown in the following screenshot. Check it out:

No need for placeholders with Collapse Commander
No need for placeholders with Collapse Commander

Collapse-O-Matic Nested UL

Here is an example of how to add ‘extra’ sub li’s to a list element using the jedi powers of collapse-o-matic:

The basic idea is this:

<li>your thing with a link
<li>this is the super cool extra info</li>
<li>some other thing</li>

So now we just need to add the roll-your-own collapse-o-matic elements:

<li>your thing with a <span class="collapseomatic" id="linkone">link</span><ul><li id="target-linkone" class="collapseomatic_content">this is the super cool extra info</li></ul></li>
<li>some other thing</li>

and BLAMO!

  • your thing with a link
    • this is the super cool extra info
  • some other thing