Print-O-Matic External Print Trigger – Target by Class

As of print-o-matic version 2.0.1 the ability to use class to target a print element in external print triggers has been added. Basically it works the same as using the data-print_target attribute but instead uses a unique classname in the format of printtarget-<target_id>.

Step 1

Create a target element. The element below is a div with an id of ‘my_print_target’:

<div id="my_print_target">This is the print target wrapped in a div with an element of 'my_print_target' as explained above</div>
This is the print target wrapped in a div with an element of ‘my_print_target’ as explained above

Step 2

Add an external trigger using the new class-trigger method. We’ll use a simple button like so:

<button id="my_print_button" class="printomatic printtarget-#my_print_target">Print Trigger</button>

Step 3

Like in the original example, we need to add the hidden print trigger using a print-me shortcode with the same id as our external trigger and a printstyle=”external” attribute: 

[print-me id="my_print_button" printstyle="external"/]

Print-O-Matic and WordPress Charts

Here is an example of using Print-O-Matic to print a WordPress Chart using wp-charts.

[wpcharts type=”piechart” legend=”false” titles=”Title 1, Title 2, Title 3, Title 4″ values=”3,7,5,12″ id=”my_chart”]

[print-me target="%prev%"/]

Works in 2.0.
Pre 2.0:
It seems we need to wrap the chart shortcode in a div so we can target that div and include it’s related javascript.
Still not. maybe we also need to include the chart js on the page?
Nope. It seems the HTML Canvas element is not cloning it’s content that was generated by the javascript… hmmm.

Print-O-Matic Multiple Target Test

This is a test of Print-O-Matic using multiple targets, for example:

This is an element inside of a div with an ID called: targ_id_one
This is a second element that is wrapped in a div with an ID of: targ_id_two

And now for the trigger:

[print-me target="#targ_id_one, #targ_id_two"/]
print me
print me

Ultimate Print-O-Matic Form Elements Test

This is a test for printing various forms using Print-O-Matic and Print-Pro-Matic plugins.

Standard HTML Form

This is some text inside the target div


OK, for some reason the current theme (Twenty-Seventeen) forces all form elements to display:none when printed. This works on other themes.
[print-me title="Print Standard HTML Form" alt="Print the HTML form" target="#html_form, #texter"/]
Print Standard HTML Form