Collapse-Pro-Matic Roll Your with Scroll To Elements

The roll-your-own method has already been documented, however, what if you wanted to create your own sroll-to targets for each element? How can we do this with roll-your-own?

First we create an example using the shortcode:

[expand title="trigger text" findme="auto"]hidden content[/expand]
trigger text
hidden content
Now we re-create that using the roll-your own elements:

The Trigger

<div class="collapseomatic find-me" id="my_example" title="trigger text" data-offset="-60" data-findme="auto">trigger text</div>
trigger text

The Target

<div id="target-my_example" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target Content</div>
Target Content

Collapse-O-Matic Grouping and Expandall Issues

If we set up two groups for the sole purpose of creating expand/collapse all triggers that will only expand/collapse the related group we currently have to create something like:

Science Fiction:

[expand title="Star Wars" rel="fiction"]Alliance to Restore the Republic vs. Galactic Empire[/expand]
<span class="expandall" rel="fiction">Expand All Science Fiction</span>
<span class="collapseall" rel="fiction">Collapse All Science Fiction</span>

Pure Science:

[expand title="Space Race" rel="history"]USA vs. USSR[/expand]
<span class="expandall" rel="history">Expand All Pure Science</span>
<span class="collapseall" rel="history">Collapse All Pure Science</span>

Rel Example:

Science Fiction

  • Star Wars
    Alliance to Restore the Republic vs. Galactic Empire
  • Star Trek
    United Federation of Planets vs. Klingon Empire vs. Romulan Star Empire vs. Cardassian Union vs. the Borg vs. the Dominion
  • Battlestar Galactica
    Twelve Colonies vs. Cylon Empire

Expand All Science Fiction
Collapse All Science Fiction

Pure Science

  • Space Race
    USA vs. USSR
  • Ansari X Prize
    Scaled Composites vs. Many Others

Expand All Pure Science
Collapse All Pure Science

So this works, but what if we do NOT what the expanding of one group to automatically collapse any open items of other groups?

As of Collapse-O-matic version 1.7.1, two new attributes have been introduced to deal with exactly this issue. For the shortcode:
and for the roll-your-own method:

Science Fiction:

[expand title="Star Wars" togglegroup="fiction"]Alliance to Restore the Republic vs. Galactic Empire[/expand]
<span class="expandall" data-togglegroup="fiction">Expand All Science Fiction</span>
<span class="collapseall" data-togglegroup="fiction">Collapse All Science Fiction</span>

Pure Science:

[expand title="Space Race" togglegroup="history"]USA vs. USSR[/expand]
<span class="expandall" data-togglegroup="history">Expand All Pure Science</span>
<span class="collapseall" data-togglegroup="history">Collapse All Pure Science</span>
[expand title="Expand All" swaptitle="Collapse All" trigclass="setall" togglegroup="history"/]

Group Example:

Science Fiction

  • Star Wars
    Alliance to Restore the Republic vs. Galactic Empire
  • Star Trek
    United Federation of Planets vs. Klingon Empire vs. Romulan Star Empire vs. Cardassian Union vs. the Borg vs. the Dominion
  • Battlestar Galactica
    Twelve Colonies vs. Cylon Empire

Expand All Science Fiction
Collapse All Science Fiction

Pure Science

  • Space Race
    USA vs. USSR
  • Ansari X Prize
    Scaled Composites vs. Many Others

Expand All Pure Science
Collapse All Pure

Expand All*

Adding Highlander Grouping:

[expand title="Monkey" togglegroup="animal" rel="animal-highlander"]monkeys are fast[/expand]
[expand title="Donkey" togglegroup="animal" rel="animal-highlander"]donkeys are strong[/expand]
<span class="expandall" data-togglegroup="animal">Expand All Animals</span>
<span class="collapseall" data-togglegroup="animal">Collapse All Animals</span>
[expand title="Expand All" swaptitle="Collapse All" trigclass="setall" togglegroup="animal"/]
  • Monkey
    Monkeys are fast
  • Donkey
    Donkeys are strong

Expand All Animals
Collapse All Animals

Expand All*

*collapse-pro-matic only

Collapse-Pro-Matic – Pesky Hash-Bang URLs

This is a hash-bang: #!
Hash-bangs cause havoc or a number of reasons, but there is at least one example that directly affects how Collapse-O-Matic and Collapse-Pro-Matic process URLs. Take external triggers, for example:

[expand title="question 1" id="q1"]answer 1[/expand]
[expand title="question 2" id="q2"]answer 2[/expand]
<a class="expandanchor" href="#q1">expand question 1</a>
<a class="expandanchor" href="">
question 1
answer 1
question 2
answer 2
Internal link to expand question 1 from the same page.
External link to expand question 2 from anywhere.

So far, so good. But now, we add a link with a hash-bang:

<a class="expandanchor" href="!/monkey/wrench/#q2">answer 2 with a hash-bang monkey-wrench</a>

answer 2 with a hash-bang monkey-wrench

Collapse-O-Matic Collapse-Pro-Matic Inline Test

Test 1

<h7>Test Header</h7>
<strong>Strong Text</strong>
This is a bit of text that goes on for awhile just to create the illusion that there is something important to say. After some time we might want to create a little teaser for [expand title="Read more" swaptitle="Read Less" trigclass="arrowright" targpos="inline" targtag="span" trigpos="below"]this text that was hidden but now is not. [/expand]

Test Header
Strong Text
This is a bit of text that goes on for awhile just to create the illusion that there is something important to say. After some time we might want to create a little teaser for this text that was hidden but now is not.

Read more

What if we placed all of this inside a LI element:

  • Test Header
    Strong Text
    This is a bit of text that goes on for awhile just to create the illusion that there is something important to say. After some time we might want to create a little teaser for this text that was hidden but now is not.
    Read more


If the shortcode needs to be placed inside a paragraph, it’s best to use the roll-your-own method like so:

This is a paragraph of text that we just are going to throw in here. You might not like the text, as it really just rambles on and on, but it does fill the purpose of filler text. this is the <div id="target-paratest" class="collapseomatic_content_inline colomat-inline span_fix" style="display: inline;">last text in the first paragraph.
<p>This is the next paragraph of text</p>
<p>This is the final paragraph of text</p></div> <span class="collapseomatic span_fix noarrow" id="paratest" title="Read more..." tabindex="0">Read more...</span> <span id="swap-paratest" class="colomat-swap" style="display:none;">Read less...</span>
<p>Now let's see what happens.</p>

This is a paragraph of text that we just are going to throw in here. You might not like the text, as it really just rambles on and on, but it does fill the purpose of filler text. this is the

last text in the first paragraph.
This is the next paragraph of text

This is the final paragraph of text

Read more…

Now let’s see what happens.

Collase-O-Matic Roll-Your-Own Inline Target Above

This is some text that goes on a bit and then there will be a simply read-more link after this run-on sentence finally ends. It also features a bit more text that is originally hidden, but then pops up when the read-more link is clicked. read more

This was done using the following code structure:

<span id="target-monkey1" class="collapseomatic_content_inline colomat-inline span_fix">It also features a ...</span> <span id="monkey1" class="collapseomatic" title="read more">read more</span><span id="swap-monkey1" style="display: none;">read less</span>

Collapse-O-Matic – Inline Roll-Your-Own Triggers

This is a follow-up post to Collapse-O-Matic > Line of Trigger Images. This time we want to have the triggers in-line but the content to be displayed below the trigger line. To do this we first must use the roll-your-own method.


<span class="collapseomatic" id="item_one" data-group="item-highlander">Trigger One</span> <span class="collapseomatic" id="item_two" data-group="item-highlander">Trigger Two</span> <span class="collapseomatic" id="item_three" data-group="item-highlander">Trigger Three</span>


<div id="target-item_one" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target One</div>
<div id="target-item_two" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target Two</div>
<div id="target-item_three" class="collapseomatic_content ">Target Three</div>

The Results:

Trigger One Trigger Two Trigger Three
Target One
Target Two
Target Three


The same thing with collapse commander would look like this:

[expand_trig cid="2119" /] [expand_trig cid="2120" /] [expand_trig cid="2121" /]
[expand_targ cid="2119" /] [expand_targ cid="2120" /] [expand_targ cid="2121" /]

Item One Item Two Item Three

Target One
Target Two
Target Three

Collapse-O-Matic Table of Content Test

This is a test that features a table of content from the Table of Content plugin as well as a collapse-o-matic expand element AND a collapse-commander element.
[toc wrapping=”right”]

This is an H1 heading

This is a heading

This is the content area and it has a collapse element in it:

[expand title="This is the expand element"]...and this is the target content[/expand]

This is the expand element
…and this is the target content

This is another h2 heading

This is an expand element element from Collapse Commander:

[expand cid="1398"/]

Test Expand Element
This is the content of the expand element early_oculous

This is a third h2 element

  • list item
  • list item
  • list item
  • list item

This is another H1 heading

Fourth heading element

Fifth heading, how do you like it?

Collapse-O-Matic TrigPos Test

This is a quick test of the trigpos attribute.

Normally, an expand element shortcode looks and works like this:

[expand title="trigger"]hidden content[/expand]

hidden content

now we are going to add the trigpos attribute:

[expand title="trigger" trigpos="below"]hidden content[/expand]

hidden content

And this works exactly the same way for collapse-pro-matic, of course.