This is a test for printing various forms using Print-O-Matic and Print-Pro-Matic plugins.
Standard HTML Form
[print-me title="Print Standard HTML Form" alt="Print the HTML form" target="#html_form, #texter"/]
A Pluginoven Test Site
This is a test for printing various forms using Print-O-Matic and Print-Pro-Matic plugins.
[print-me title="Print Standard HTML Form" alt="Print the HTML form" target="#html_form, #texter"/]
Post Types are supported as of Annual Archive version 1.4.8.
[archives post_type="monkey"/]
[archives type="monthly" post_type="donkey"/]
T(-) Countdown Control already has the ability to store a visitors calculated launch time to a cookie. As of version 1.7.7 we have added integration of a new add-on plugin T(-) Countdown Tracking. This new premium plugin adds the ability to save the visitors IP address in the database. More details to follow.
Test using Schedule:
[tminus cid="2022"/]
Test using basic shortcode:
[tminus t="+2 minutes" id="test_counter" track_id="2571" /]
No Tracking:
This is a test of the cloud-city style for T(-) Countdown to adjust the spacing issue on lower viewports.
This is a little test for a print trigger that will auto print on page load.
Here is the shortcode
Now let’s see if it works…
As of Collapse-O-Matic version 1.7.2 and Collapse-Pro-Matic version 1.3.2 we have added the ability to force one element to stay open in a highlander grouping. Simply add the class must-be-one
to all the triggers in a highlander group using the trigclass attribute like so:
[expand title="Monkeys" rel="animal-highlander" trigclass="must-be-one"]...[/expand]
[expand title="Donkeys" rel="animal-highlander" trigclass="must-be-one"]...[/expand]
[expand title="Ninjas" rel="animal-highlander" trigclass="must-be-one"]...[/expand]
555 95472, or 5 for short, debuted in the September 30, 1963, strip, and appeared occasionally until the 1980s. A boy close in age to Charlie Brown and Linus van Pelt, 5 had brown spiky hair, and he wore an orange shirt with the number 5 on it. 5 was given a numerical name by his father, who was upset over the preponderance of numbers in people’s lives; when questioned, 5 clarified that this was not his father’s way of protesting, it was his way of “giving in.” His last name, 95472 (the accent is on the 4), was taken from the family’s ZIP code; it is also the zip code for Sebastopol, California, where Schulz lived at the time.
This countdown should launch Monday-Friday at 09:00 and 12:00 and certainly NOT on the weekend.
When an expand element is expanded it has the .colomat-close class assigned. This class is removed when the expand element is collapsed. So, if you want to adjust how an active/expanded trigger is displayed, simply define your custom css as follows:
/*inactive/collapsed */
.collapseomatic {
/*active/expanded */
.collapseomatic.colomat-close {
Using the trigclass attribute we can further assign the design of the triggers for only specific expand elements.
.collapseomatic.my_special_class {
color: green;
.collapseomatic.my_special_class.colomat-close {
color: red;
border: 2px dotted red;
[expand title="Trigger Text" trigclass="my_special_class"]Hidden Content[/expand]