Archive-Pro-Matic Birthday and Birthmonth types

This is a test of two new types of Archive-Pro-Matic archive lists:
Birthday: Show all posts published on the same day of the year
Birth Month: Show all post published on the same month, regardless of year

Birth Month

[archives type="birthmonth" order="ASC" /]


[archives type="birthday" order="ASC"/]
[archives type="birthday" order="ASC" sub_options="true" sub_order="ASC"/]
[archives type="birthday" order="ASC" sub_options="true" sub_order="ASC" show_empty="true"/]
[archives type="birthday" order="ASC" sub_options="block" sub_order="ASC" show_empty="true" tag="div" sub_ul_class="my_slim_ul" li_class="block_archive_item" empty_class="grey"/]